Although we've had a fair amount of snow here, the temperature has been very mild all through the holiday season. This has been quite pleasant, but very unusual. More commonly we get a real cold snap between Christmas and New Year's Day. So just when you want to go out and visit people, you think you'd rather stay home and keep warm. It seems silly, but I've actually heard people complaining it's too warm. (Well, one was a child who was afraid the snow might start melting. The other was a snowmobile salesman.) So I actually got a bit reminiscent of colder days - which brought to mind the following song. I really like this video version as it includes photos of Toronto, Ontario Canada (which is also the setting of the song).
I won't be doing anything special for New Year's Eve because my husband has used up all his holidays and I'd rather just stay home and watch a movie or something. So I'll probably just be the D.D. (designated driver) for my son.
Speaking of Toronto... wouldn't it be great if RA came to Canada and somebody snapped a picture of him... say, in a shopping Mall?
If only it were true! |
I hope everyone has a fabulous time in the coming year. Welcome 2012 and remember it's only 11 more months until we can see The Hobbit!
To meet him in a shopping mall .....I wish :-)
We are going to have a quiet evening - My husband, our two children and my mother in law.
Wishing you a FAB new year
RA hugs
Happy New Year, darling!
Happy New Year to you too, Phylly! :D
Love those images of Toronto! I have to get up there one of these days, it looks beautiful!
It's been unseasonably warm here, too. The kids are dying to go sledding and can't figure out how they were able to build a Halloween snowman but not a Christmas one. Have a great holiday and be safe!
@alfie - RA hugs? Wow!! What a concept! LOL
Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely, peaceful New Year's Eve. :)
@DEZMOND - Back at you to, dear boy! My new year's resolution is to visit your wonderful site more often!
@Maria Grazia - Thanks! All the best to you my friend!
@jazzbaby1- I don't get to Toronto very often, but it is a great place to visit. Halloween snowman?! What wacky weather, eh? Thanks for the good wishes. I hope you enjoy your holidays too!
Happy New Year, everyone! I see lots of celebrities in New York City and like a good little New Yorker, I just leave them be. :)
@bccmee - I guess if you see celebrities all the time it is easy to be blasé about it. When I was kid I saw a woman in a Salvation Army uniform in my town, and I asked for her autograph. (She was bemused but tickled too at my interest.) That is how celebrity starved I am! LOL
Have a Happy New Year and best wishes for the year to come.
@Kathie - Thanks! The same to you! See you around the RA blogs! :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Phylly, and all!
Jazz, we still can't understand how we sat around in shorts on the deck at Thanksgiving! Well, snowing here now, too. Mild, but it will be minus 25/30 in January, as usual. :(
Cheers, all
@fitzg - Thanks for visiting and for the good wishes! Snowing quite a bit here too, but I am worried about the roads because it is so mild - they might be slippery. (I am the d.d. but I put on my pjs already so I am hoping there is another sober person who will drive my son home.) We shall see...
Happy New Year :)
Wishing you a year of health,
wealth, happiness, luck, warmth...
And loads of love of your dear ones!
Hope the New Year
showers you with...
All that is beautiful!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
We're having milder than usual weather in the Eastern US also. That's fine with me!
I would love to run into RA in a shopping center, or anywhere really, but you have more of a chance of seeing him in Canada in the future since so many films are filmed in Toronto or other Canadian locations. Keep on the lookout!
I'm looking forward to a great Hobbit year for us all.
@Jonia - What lovely wishes you have for me! Thank you so much! I would like to hold up a mirror and reflect all those good things back to you as well. :)
@Faboamanto - I don't know why I never pictured you in the Eastern US. I don't know where I thought you were, but it wasn't there! LOL!
Unfortunately I very rarely get to Toronto - it is trip of several days by car. I am closer to Winnipeg, Manitoba. My husband once shared an elevator with Holly Hunter which was quite exciting! They sometimes film in the older part of the city, called "The Exchange District". If I ever hear about him filming there - I would take time off work to check it out!!
I am also looking forward to the Year of the Hobbit!
Thanks for visiting! :)
Hi Phylly,
what a beautiful video! It is pretty warm down here in Texas even though we usually have freezing cold winters, sleet and some snow.. Weird with 75º.
Happy 2012 to you, I hope you had a quiet & nice evening as a DD and didn't fall asleep too soon :-) We went to a party at a friend's house with a 5 course menu and 30 people -we got sooo spoiled- and now I am curing my light hangover..
@Franziska - Sounds like you had a fabulous time on NYE! I had a relaxing evening chatting online with other RA fans! I did my motherly DD duty and went to bed very late but that was okay.
Enjoy your warm weather! I wonder - is it cold anywhere?
Happy New Year, Phylly!!!
What a wonderful presentation of Toronto. It looks beautiful.
Perhaps RA will come on the presentation tour of "The Hobbit"? A fan still can dream ;o)
Best wishes and thank you !!!
Thanks CDoart! While I do like the visuals on the video I really picked it for the song. I absolutely love Bruce Cockburn's music and this song in particular. I have been playing it repeatedly since I thought of it a few days ago. I need to post more of his songs!
It would be wonderful if RA did visit this country, but unless I heard about it far enough ahead to make plans to go somewhere, it is doubtful I would ever catch a glimpse of him.
Those people who have met him in real life are extraordinarily lucky!
Happy New Year! Another reason to visit Toronto!! For years I've tried to convince the other half we should visit his relatives .. another year of bumping into you at various places babe - a singalong we must do one of these years :)
Yes. Definitely! I would love that! :)
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